My 15 Minutes of COVID Fame

For my own personal documentation purposes, I thought I should dedicate a post to my greatest quarantine achievement: finally making the New York Times.

Now, this isn’t exactly how I pictured my NYT debut, but it’s 2020 and I’ll take what I can get.

Behold, my 15 minutes of COVID fame, screenshotted below from the bottom of the New York Times Daily Coronavirus Briefing email on June 19, 2020:

Screenshot of a New York Times email where Danne was featured about how she and her friends ordered surprise presents for each other and opened them together on a Zoom call during the pandemic.

True story, I really do now have a giant gummy bear on a stick AND Golden Girl’s socks in my possession. My friends and I know how to have fun, what can I say?


August in the Dzen Garden


The Dzen Garden