My Favorite Music for Teaching Yoga

Danne seated on the beach in Gomukhasana

If I’m being honest…I prefer to practice yoga without music, but because I know that isn’t everyone’s preference, I do typically play music when I teach yoga. Because yoga is about turning energy inward and working towards stilling the mind, I've personally found that music, especially the pop music that often ends up on yoga playlists, can be very distracting.

"Silence is the language of Om. We need silence to be able to reach our Self. Both internal and external silence are very important to feel the presence of that supreme love."

–Amit Ray

That being said, I’ve found that in my classes it can beneficial to have some quiet, atmospheric music playing softly in the background—both for ambiance and to give students something to focus on when they find their minds starting to wander.

Over the past few months, I’ve been searching around Spotify, trying to find the best of the best of “Yoga Music.” There’s a whole slew of albums full of pan flutes and babbling brooks out there, but I wanted to see if I could find something a little less…cheesy? 

These are my top picks thus far. All have been put to the test in my Monday night Candlelit Hatha Slow Flow class and get my seal of approval.

My Favorite Music for Teaching Yoga


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