2022 Dzen Garden Superlatives
Gardening Danne Dzenawagis Gardening Danne Dzenawagis

2022 Dzen Garden Superlatives

The first year I had my garden my good friend and “Fairy Gardenmother” Jess gave me the advice to keep a little garden journal to jot things down in when they came up so I could remember what to do (and not do) the following year.

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Simple Summer Garden Recipes
Gardening Danne Dzenawagis Gardening Danne Dzenawagis

Simple Summer Garden Recipes

Late summer is the season of abundance in the garden, and I have been hard at work making use of as much of my bounty as possible. So hard at work, that actually, if I’m being honest…I’m a little tired of gardening right now. Is “Garden Fatigue” a thing? If not I’m coining the term.

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2021 Year in Review
Danne Dzenawagis Danne Dzenawagis

2021 Year in Review

As another pandemic year comes to a close, I could lament all the things I didn’t get to do because of COVID (again), but I thought I’d take a minute to look back on the year and remind myself what I actually did do, because all was not lost! Things happened! Less things than a “normal” year, and definitely less fun things, but things nonetheless! 

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5 Ways to Eat More Kale
Health & Wellness Danne Dzenawagis Health & Wellness Danne Dzenawagis

5 Ways to Eat More Kale

I love kale…everyone knows this about me, right? For years I drove around with an “Eat More Kale” bumper sticker on my car, I own a “Drink More Kale” shirt (I even put an “Eat More Kale” onesie on my baby registry because how could I not?), and now that I have a garden, I love growing my own kale.

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Dzen Garden Season One Wrap-Up
Gardening Danne Dzenawagis Gardening Danne Dzenawagis

Dzen Garden Season One Wrap-Up

Although my garden season officially ended in mid-October and my plot is all cleared out and plowed over at this point, I somehow still end up passing by almost everyday when I’m out on a walk—I miss you Dzen Garden! Is it spring yet?

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August in the Dzen Garden
Gardening Danne Dzenawagis Gardening Danne Dzenawagis

August in the Dzen Garden

I’m just about 3 months into my first-ever gardening season so I thought I’d give an update on how my little Dzen Garden is doing in these magical, golden days of summer.

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The Dzen Garden
Gardening Danne Dzenawagis Gardening Danne Dzenawagis

The Dzen Garden

When I applied for a community garden plot back in December, I had no idea, 1.) What I was getting myself into, and 2.) That COVID-19 was about to wreck all of my summer 2020 plans so I’d have plenty of time to figure it out. Very auspicious timing—my quarantine saving grace and silver lining.

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