8 Simple Habits That Actually Changed My Life
Danne Dzenawagis Danne Dzenawagis

8 Simple Habits That Actually Changed My Life

I know the title of this post sounds like click bait, but I really mean it. Over the past few years I have discovered a few simple things that have actually changed my life. While I’m not a believer in quick fixes or magic cures, sometimes simple things can actually make a big difference.

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My Favorite Virtual Health & Wellness Resources
Health & Wellness Danne Dzenawagis Health & Wellness Danne Dzenawagis

My Favorite Virtual Health & Wellness Resources

Well, I’ve officially entered my 5th week of quarantine—as much of America has due to the coronavirus pandemic that has turned the world upside down. I take long walks in my neighborhood every day and make my weekly trip to the grocery store, but otherwise, it’s just me and Dan in our little midcentury ranch all day, every day.

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