My Cousin David
Danne Dzenawagis Danne Dzenawagis

My Cousin David

A few years ago I got very interested in genealogy and ended up connecting with a distant Dzenawagis cousin I discovered through the powers of the internet. She shared a lot of interesting information with me, but what I loved the most was what she told me about the meaning of our shared surname.

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Aunt Carrie
Danne Dzenawagis Danne Dzenawagis

Aunt Carrie

There are moments in all of our lives when everything changes like that. The moments when you physically feel a shift occur. When the pieces fall out of place. When the ground drops from underneath you. 

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My Cat Fanne
Danne Dzenawagis Danne Dzenawagis

My Cat Fanne

When I moved into my first apartment post-college, I immediately started pestering my roommates about getting a cat. I come from a long line of cat people—we always had them in the house growing up, but because I couldn’t have any pets while living in my college dorm, I had years of feline companionship to catch up on.

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