17 Things I'm Grateful for in 2017

Danne at the beach with her hands in prayer position

Is there a difference between being "thankful" and being "grateful?" They seem to be used interchangeably, but "gratitude" has achieved buzzword status, whereas "thankful" only seems to make an appearance on Thanksgiving. Either way, 2017 has been an amazing year for me and there is a lot that I'm grateful/thankful for.

17 Things I'm Grateful for in 2017

  1. My health, because as my Dad always says, “If you don't have your health, you don't have anything.”

  2. My mom, my dad, and my brother. There have been health scares and cross-country moves this year, but thankfully we're all good, and I'm grateful for their health and happiness, and for our relationships.

  3. My husband—I have a husband! And he's wonderful, and we truly enjoy all of the time we spend together (which is A LOT). Thank you to Elvis Presley for finally making it official.  

  4. My in-laws, I hit the jackpot in this department. Case in point, there are 26 of us in a house together for a week right now and everyone gets along. I’ve never seen anything like it…

  5. That my girlfriends are willing to buy plane tickets to visit me the first weekend of December every year for the Detroit Urban Craft Fair. Girl's Weekend is one of my favorite annual traditions.

  6. For all the travel I was able to do this year: Portland Maine, Las Vegas, Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks in Utah, Miami and The Everglades, Boston & Cape Cod, The Kentucky Bourbon Trail, Mammoth Cave National Park, Mt. Tremblant in Quebec for Wanderlust, San Diego, Croatia, Slovenia, the Adirondacks. What a year!

  7. My hometown. How boring it was to me as a teenager but as an adult, I couldn't be more grateful to have grown up where I did and to be able to return home as often as I do.

  8. Yoga. My #1 tool for wellness and self-care, I source everything from this practice. 

  9. Sleeping in—which I've surprisingly been doing a lot of in my 30s. No guilt here, it feels amazing.

  10. Sparkling rosé, and triple cream cheese, and candy, and all of life's indulgences.

  11. And then for cleanses to get me back on track when I've indulged a little too much.

  12. The Great Lakes, which are this beach bum's saving grace living in the Midwest. 

  13. Our new camera. I mentioned before that we got a new Fujifilm X-T1 before our honeymoon and it's been so nice having a real, working camera again. 

  14. Tiny Lions, the cat cafe where I volunteer. After Fanne died I knew that I wouldn't be able to get another cat (Dan's allergic) so I started volunteering at Tiny Lions and it's been so great to be able to go see the kitties on the weekend. 

  15. Text messages and FaceTime. I live many miles from my closest friends and family but I'm still able to feel connected to everyone because of technology. 

  16. For my little Monday night yoga class and the few students (including my husband) who continue to show up week after week to practice. Namaste. 

  17. Woolsies and cape-scarves, my new winter hygge uniform.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone 🦃


Aunt Carrie


A Short Yoga Sequence for Fall