Recently Enjoyed Quotes: Spring 2017
From books, articles, podcasts, social media & more, here are some quotes I’ve highlighted, underlined, or scribbled down recently.
“One of my teachers, Martha Beck, taught me that the secret to life is to rest until you feel like playing, then to play until you feel like resting.”
“If you are willing to look at another person’s behavior toward you as a reflection of the state of their relationship with themselves rather than a statement about your value as a person, then you will, over a period of time, cease to react at all.”
“As each breath goes out, let it be the end of that moment and the beginning of something new.”
“You know the truth by the way it feels.”
“Probably the hardest thing in the world for a man is the simple observation and acceptance of what is. Always we warp our pictures with what we hoped, expected, or were afraid of. In Russia we saw many things that did not agree with what we had expected, and for this reason it is very good to have photographs, because a camera has no preconceptions, it simply sets down what it sees.”
“Nothing goes away on its own. You deal with it, or it deals with you.”
“Any talent that you have that you do not use becomes a burden.”
“So we consume and consume but it never works, because you can never get enough of what you don’t need.”
“Self-betrayal is allowing fear to overrule the still, small voice of truth.”
“When we connect to our vulnerability, we get out of our heads and we drop into our hearts.”
“So now, I ask you, what is your prayer for our country?” Winfrey continued. “It’s hope,” Michelle Obama replied. “My desire for this country is that we remain hopeful and that we find a place in our hearts to love each other. It’s really simple — just opening up our hearts to others, making room.”